Features Releases

Customizable Workflow Is Available In A New Energy EAP Build!

Energy release is scheduled for the end of April, which is coming very soon. So, today we’ve got a new Energy build with the customizable workflow available! This is the first try, so your feedback is extremely important for us. Finally, you can define the life cycle of your issues according to your own rules and process needs. For example, you can setup the rule to assign an issue to QA team or specific QA person automatically when issue state is changed to Fixed or To Be Tested, or require to define build number when closing an issue, or setup to receive notifications about issues that haven’t been proceed during specific time period. Generally, customizable workflow combined with the customizable attributes gives you the ability to completely customize your issue tracking process.
Please, refer to Workflow Overview page to read more about YouTrack Workflow. Note, that Before you start creating or editing workflows, you should download and install YouTrack Workflow Editor. Watch demo and read more to get familiar with workflow editor.

YouTrack Workflow Editor

YouTrack Workflow Editor

Related Issues:

  1. Support custom workflow and custom issue fields schema.
  • Customizable attributes. We’ve implemented multiple enhancements to let you customize and use issue attributes as easy and fast as possible. Now you can add aliases to your custom attributes, use wizard to create Project Custom Field, change the order of visible issue attributes, and etc.
    Related Issues:

    1. Aliases for custom fields.
    2. Create a wizard for Project Custom Field.
    3. Provide drag-and-drop for versions ordering.
    4. Make possible to add more than one assignee.
    5. Provide ability to change order of visible properties on issues list.
      1. Submit issues and feature requests in our bug tracker.
      2. Speak out at our community forum.
      3. Submit private feedback using our feedback form.
      4. Rate individual EAP builds right on the YouTrack EAP Builds page.
    6. Please, refer to the the full issues list included in the current build for more details, download it, and share your feedback with us:

      Keep tracking with pleasure!
      JetBrains YouTrack Team