Events News

Webinar: Agile with YouTrack 4.0

Update: Registration for this event is now closed. It has been fully booked. We are sorry for the inconvenience and we will no doubt repeat it.

You probably already know what makes YouTrack different from other issue tracking systems. But this time we’ve got something really hot for you! Did you know that the public release of YouTrack 4.0 is only three weeks away? As a teaser, we would like you to meet the next coming version, completely devoted to Agile project management with YouTrack!
In our second webinar, we’ll walk through the main stages of release/sprint planning, using Scrum/Kanban board with Burn Down and Cumulative Flow charts that helps you visualize your team’s progress. All that with YouTrack’s keyboard-centric navigation, advanced search capabilities and commands.
When: Thursday 17th of May 2012. 16:00 to 17:00 CET (Central European Time)

By: Your hosts


Valery Andrianova         Hadi Hariri

This topic is really popular and we’ve got a limited number of seats available, so please make sure to book your seat in advance.
Grab a cup of coffee, relax and enjoy the show!