Features Releases

YouTrack 3.3: Advanced Full-Text Search

Please welcome YouTrack 3.3 — a fresh update for our innovative bug and issue tracker. This time we focused on intelligent full-text search capabilities, to help you filter issues even faster.

What can you do in the new YouTrack 3.3?
  1. Text Search Inside Specific Fields. Now you can narrow your search down to specific fields, such as Summary, Description, Comments, Attachments or even code-formatted text! Of course, you get intelligent completion and highlighting. Here are couple of examples:
  2. You get all issues that have custom and field words in summary.
    Finds all issues matching the exact phrase in description.
    Returns all issues that don’t contain the exact phrase ‘scrum board’ in their comments.
    You’ll get all issues with attachments that contain ‘scrum’ in any part of the attached file name.
    You’ll find all issues that contain the word ‘MyClass’ within the code tag in their descriptions or comments.

  3. ‘Has:description’ Search Query. We’ve added one more attribute that you can use with the ‘has’ keyword. Now you can filter all issues that have a description, using the query has:description.
  4. Multilingual Search. YouTrack has always supported text search in multiple languages, such as: English, French, Spanish, German, Russian, Portuguese, Polish, Swedish, and others. We’ve dramatically improved text search quality and added morphological analysis for a number of languages, such as Czech, Arabic, Chinese, and Japanese.
  5. Customizable Workflow Language. We’ve added a new getUser method that allows you to find and perform operations on a specific user by their username in custom workflow language. For example, now you can notify a user mentioned in a comment or description.

Please check the release notes for more details. Download YouTrack 3.3 or sign up for YouTrack InCloud – to start using the latest version in no time! All the existing YouTrack InCloud customers are welcome to check the fresh version on their sites, it’s already there!

Enjoy your intelligent issue tracking even more!
JetBrains YouTrack Team