Features Releases

YouTrack 4.2 is Ready to Chat With You

Valentine’s Day is meant to be spent with your loved ones. That’s why we’re releasing YouTrack 4.2 today – the latest and greatest version of our favorite agile issue tracker and project management tool. Now you can chat with YouTrack Jabber-Bot, share Zendesk tickets with YouTrack, enjoy new workflows and more!

Chat with YouTrack Jabber-Bot

We’ve already raved about our brand new Jabber-Bot, and soon enough you’ll see a whole blog post dedicated to it. Talk to it to apply commands, search for issues or view issue details. For now, check out this conversation on a very important Valentine’s Day project:

Integration with Zendesk

Share your Zendesk ticket with YouTrack to create a new issue in YouTrack and automatically synchronize further changes between Zendesk and YouTrack.

To do this, first initiate a sharing invite from Zendesk, and then accept it from YouTrack. Conveniently, as you accept an invite, you can choose which field in YouTrack will represent the Zendesk ticket Status.

Here Zendesk ticket ‘Restaurant reservation’ with status ‘Open’ was shared with a YouTrack project:

Zendesk Integration

Zendesk ticket status corresponds to Issue State in YouTrack. All comments were shared automatically. From this moment on all further changes to this ‘Restaurant reservation’ ticket will be applied to YouTrack issue VD-1.

Zendesk Integration

Shared issues are synchronized both ways, i.e. all issue changes in YouTrack will be applied to the corresponding Zendesk tickets.

For mode details see our updated documentation.

Many New Default Workflows

New workflow for “depends on” link. Now you can get a notification when the ‘depend on’ issue is resolved.

We’ve made “+1″ comments do what they really mean to. Now if you type ‘+1’ in your comment, YouTrack will offer you to vote for the issue. This idea was previously described here.

Sometimes we all forget to actually attach things we referred to in our messages. Never again. We’ve added a reminder to add an attachment or a screenshot if the word ‘attach’ is mentioned in the comment.

According to the updated ‘subtask’ workflow, parent issue state will now take the minimum value from the child state, instead of having only Open / Fixed values. For example, if you had four child issues with states Submitted, Fixed, Fixed and Verified parent issue state would be Submitted.

Now you can mark a sprint as completed to prevent further changes.

Now it’s possible to create a blacklist for spam filtering. This workflow prevents submitting a description or comment with words from the blacklist. Now it is much easier to protect your YouTrack from spammers.

We’ve also added a timer (on/off or changing state In Progress/Fixed) workflow for adding work items automatically. You can track time spent on issue just by changing issue state (from In Progress to Fixed).

New Commands: “Visible to” and “Delete”

We’ve added a new command and search query, “Visible to”. Now you can directly define the group your issue/comment is visible to, or search for issues visible to a particular user group.

You asked us for a way to delete multiple issues, and we made it possible. With the new “Delete” command, you can delete multiple issues at once instead of deleting each issue separately from its full issue screen.

Other Great Enhancements:

We’ve improved Mailbox Integration in YouTrack 4.2 with a couple of small but significant updates. First, you can now eliminate endless quoted text in comments generated from emails – keep just the actual replies, plain and simple. Hooray! Second, you can now configure custom text patterns to search for in a message body. This way you can automatically filter out messages and ignore them along with auto-replies while processing fetched emails.

Import work items from RedMine: YouTrack 4.2 allows you to import work items from RedMine. Just use “-t” option when running the script from the command line.

Performance improvements: With YouTrack 4.2, you can track faster than ever before.

Try Now

Check What’s New for more details and download YouTrack 4.2 or sign up for YouTrack InCloud right now! As always, we welcome your feedback.

If you are already using YouTrack InCloud, your site will be upgraded to the latest version automatically according to our Maintenance Calendar.

Keep tracking with pleasure!
JetBrains YouTrack Team