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YouTrack 2018 Q1 & Q2 Roadmap

Hi everyone!

Today we are happy to share our plans for YouTrack development in the first half of 2018. Since we switched to shorter release cycles, we’ve shifted our focus away from mapping out all of the features we hope to deliver over the course of the entire year. Our agile approach helps us respond to shuffling priorities and emerging trends.

2018 Roadmap1 (1)

Here’s a sneak peek at some of the exciting features we plan to deliver for YouTrack in the not-so-distant future.

Full Page View

Last year, we described a number of changes that we have planned for this issue view. We’ve been working for a while on a new look and feel for this page and have a lot to show already. In 2018, we plan to release the full redesign. The page will include Markdown support, checklists, sorting comments in reverse-chronological order, smart @mentions, usability improvements for custom fields, a dark theme, and the ability to download all attachments. It will also include the new activity stream that some of you might have already tested on an agile board.


Conditional Custom Fields

This feature is one of the most wanted features in YouTrack. It will let you set up custom fields that are only shown when specific values are selected in another custom field.
These conditions can be set on a per-project basis. This feature is very useful for those who want to configure the visibility for custom fields based on various conditions. For example, you will be able to hide the Fix versions field for Support Request and show this field for other issue types.


Per-user Localization

We want to implement the ability to enable localization per user. It means that you will be able to turn on YouTrack localization for your account only. If the feature is enabled, the search, commands, and custom fields will stay in the same language as the system language of the server (English by default), but the rest of the interface will be displayed in your language of choice.

Project Overview

A new project overview page will debut in 2018. The main purpose of this page is to give users a more convenient way to view the information related the project. It also serves as a landing page or “home base” for each project. This page will display project-specific information like team members, the project description, and integrations. It also provides a dashboard-like interface where you can add widgets that let you monitor the activity in your project.


Custom Widgets

The Custom Widgets feature will be promoted from experimental to public in early 2018. You will be able to build widgets that let you view and interact with any application that is part of your software ecosystem. Custom widgets can be built using HTML, CSS, and JavaScript.

We are also going to support custom widgets in the JetBrains Plugin Repository. This will let you upload and share your awe-inspiring widgets and download widgets from the repository so you can post them on your own dashboards and project overview pages.

User Agreement

You’re probably already working inside your organization to meet the requirements for the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR). We will shortly release a feature that lets you store a user agreement that is presented to users who log in to YouTrack. To access and use YouTrack, users must accept this agreement. This functionality will help you collect and track individual consent to process personal information when the regulation comes into force.

Other Enhancements

There’s a heaping handful of additional features that we want to introduce in the first half of this year. We can’t promise that we’ll finish all of them — or that we decide to deliver them at all. We just thought you might be interested to know what’s on deck. Here are a few extra features we hope to tackle in Q1 & Q2:

  • Using date-type fields to define swimlanes on an agile board.
  • Improving integrations with external services like Slack, among others.
  • Making improvements to the infrastructure for YouTrack InCloud.
  • Exporting the issues list and reports in Microsoft Excel format.
  • Publishing the latest version of our REST API.
  • Providing YouTrack as a Docker image.
  • Updating the workflow API to support specific features from ECMAScript 6.

We really appreciate your feedback, so please share your thoughts about our roadmap in the comments below. To get the latest updates, subscribe to our blog and follow us on Twitter.