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ReSharper Interactive Tutorials
Probably, there is no person in the world who knows ReSharper in all its diversity. Even proficient ReSharper users normally only use a limited set of their favorite ReSharper actions in their everyday life. Though this set can be wide enough, there’s always a chance you miss some important ReSharper tricks that can make your development workflow easier. But where and how should you get to know and try them?
We at JetBrains are continuously working on all possible ways of communication, such as blog posts, learning videos and online help. For example, if you want an easy way to try a feature instead of only reading about it, we’ve created two repositories available on GitHub:
- ReSharper Workshop includes multiple solutions that cover almost the entire ReSharper feature set.
- ReSharper Ultimate What’s New is a learning solution that mostly focuses on features that were added to recent ReSharper versions.
With both solutions, the idea is simple: you open a solution and follow the instructions that are given in comments to the code.
Today, we announce a new way to get started (or catch up) with ReSharper: a plugin with a set of interactive ReSharper tutorials. The idea that it is based upon is similar to our tutorial solutions available on GitHub but with one very significant difference: you are guided through a tutorial solution, and the plugin verifies every step you take.
How tutorials work
- The tutorials are installed into Visual Studio as a ReSharper plugin. Go to ReSharper | Extension Manager, search for “Tutorials”, and install the plugin.
- After you install the plugin, the ReSharper menu will get an additional Tutorials… item.
- Once you run the tutorials, the ReSharper Tutorials window will appear suggesting you to select a tutorial.
- As soon as you launch a tutorial, a separate tutorial solution is loaded. You’ll be guided through a number of steps, each illustrating a particular feature. The plugin automatically checks whether you have performed the actions described in a step (some steps only show info, so you’ll only need to click Next Step to proceed).
Currently, there are two tutorials available:
- ReSharper Essentials will get you started with the most important shortcuts and commands.
- What’s New in ReSharper 2016.3 will guide you through ReSharper 2016.3 features for C#.
This is a preview version and work is still in progress. There’s a lot of more to do: make the UI fancier, add more advanced tutorials, and other enhancements. Nevertheless, it’s already a fully functional product and probably the most convenient way to learn ReSharper.
You’re welcome to give a new plugin a try, learn something new, and provide your feedback.