.NET Tools
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.NET Tools

The First Set of Bug Fixes for ReSharper and Rider 2024.1 Are Here!

Hello everyone,
The ReSharper and Rider 2024.1.1 bug-fix updates have just been released! If you haven’t upgraded to the 2024.1 versions of our products, we highly recommend that you check out these two blog posts:
- ReSharper 2024.1: Improved handling of collections, collection expressions, and disposable resources, a new Assembly Diff tool window, and more.
- Rider 2024.1: A better experience for debugging, performance monitoring for .NET applications, and improvements for game development.
And now, let’s go over the most important fixes in 2024.1.1.
ReSharper 2024.1.1
The first bug-fix update fixes the issue where errors related to the [Experimental]
attribute persisted even when <nowarn>
is specified in the .csproj
file. [RSRP-496499]
Rider 2024.1.1
This update includes the following fixes:
- The memory leak that caused Rider 2024.1 to freeze and underperform has been eliminated. [RIDER-110668]
- There are no more crashes on startup after updating to Rider 2024.1. [RIDER-110695]
- File templates and other IDE settings are preserved after updating to the latest version of Rider. [RIDER-110674]
- Find in Files now works as intended when performing searches throughout the entire solution. [RIDER-110959]
- Rider is once again able to run and debug local Azure functions with custom values specified in
. [RIDER-111043] - The Contact Support action from the Help menu works as intended. [RIDER-107422]
For the full list of resolved issues, please refer to our issue tracker.
You can download the latest builds from our website (Rider, ReSharper) or via the Toolbox App. You can also update Rider as a snap.
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