Smart IDE for iOS & macOS Development
AppCode 2022.1 brings support for async sequences, postfix #if member expressions, isolation control specifiers for Swift actors, improvements for Swift Package Manager integration, better VoiceOver support, and more.
Code documentation can save you a lot of time and headaches. On the other hand, it also takes a lot of effort to write and maintain it. In this article, we will look at the AppCode features that can help you create detailed and well-structured code documentation and keep it updated after code refact…
Hi everyone, Today we are starting the Early Access Program for AppCode 2022.1, and the first build is already available for download. Language support Starting with this build, AppCode supports async sequences (SE-0298). Other improvements and bug fixes Separate color settings for associated …
Hi everyone, The new AppCode 2021.3 Beta 2 is available for download from our site. Documentation Now you can specify separate colors for tags, their values, and regular text in Swift documentation comments: AppCode will update your documentation when performing refactorings: In addition, you…
AppCode is constantly analyzing your code to find parts that can be improved. It provides sets of code inspections and intention actions for each supported language for this exact purpose. Inspections locate unused or redundant code, syntax errors, probable bugs, spelling mistakes, obsolete or redun…
Please welcome our second major update this year – AppCode 2021.2! Download AppCode 2021.2 Swift Language Support AppCode 2021.2 includes support for the following Swift proposals: SE-0289: Result builders SE-0295: Codable synthesis for enums with associated values SE-0296: Async/await Do…
Hi everyone, The new AppCode 2021.2 EAP build is available for download from our site. Completion for documentation tags AppCode now shows completion for common documentation tags in Swift: Bug fixes The following notable issues are fixed in this build: Rename refactoring wasn’t filling in the …
Hi everyone, Today we are starting the Early Access Program for AppCode 2021.2, and the first build is already available for download. Language support Support for the following Swift proposals is now available: SE-0289: Result builders SE-0295: Codable synthesis for enums with associated va…
Hi everyone, AppCode 2021.1.1 is now available for download on our site. Debug as root Run or debug your application as root by selecting the corresponding option in the Edit Configurations dialog: Bug fixes The following notable issues are fixed in this update: Run settings were disappearing…
Please welcome our first update this year – AppCode 2021.1! Download AppCode 2021.1 Swift Package Manager AppCode now opens standalone SPM projects even without an .xcodeproj file, same as CLion: In addition, code entities from Objective-C and local SPM packages are now correctly resolved. Kotlin…
Hi everyone, The release of AppCode 2021.1 is approaching, and the Release Candidate is now available for download on our site. This build requires an active subscription and fixes the following issues: Find Usages didn’t work for Localizable.strings if the key contained digits (OC-21187). Swift…