DataGrip 2016.2.2 is Out
Hello! Another minor update for 2016.2 release. Users experienced some problems with database synchronizing, we’ve fixed several bugs with this, but not only. The most important issues are:
We have fixed the bugs with freezing during the introspection.
DBE-2921, DBE-2867
There was an error with incorrect results on the other pages of the result-set, we’ve fixed them.
DBE-3012, DBE-3032
DataGrip doesn’t retry failed command after detecting connection problems.
Schema comparing tool now understands if it needs to create the table or alter it.
Fixed bug with Snowflake database introspection.
Please update your version of DataGrip from Check For Updates… menu or just download a new version from our web-site. Please, keep reporting problems to us if there are any.
Your DataGrip Team
The Drive to Develop