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We’re going to NDC!


JetBrains will be exhibiting at the Norwegian Developer Conference next week. Myself, Oleg “Don’t EVER separate me from my iPad” Stepanov, Eugene “If there’s anything you want to know about ReSharper, he’s your man” Pasynkov and Eugene Petrenko from TeamCity will be there.

We’ll be doing demos, prize raffles, and of course giving out the (now famous) “I see dead code” T-Shirts.


I’ll also be giving 3 talks, one on CouchDB, another on Code Contracts and a third on Mocking. Conference organizers have been kind enough to spread them out for me over the 3 days so that I cannot get smashed until the last night. Oh well! You know what they say: If you’re going to Norway and want it to be legal, it’s got to happen at NDC.

So if you’re going to NDC and want to discuss any issues, tell us about your next feature request that will revolutionize the world, get a T-Shirt or even (I know…sounds crazy) say hello, stop by our booth.

See you there!


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