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JetBrains Community Night at DevCon

imageFrom the 27th to the 29th of September, DevCon London is taking place. DevCon is organized by Software and Support, the great team behind conferences such as BASTA, JAX, PHPCon and many more. The conference is in parallel with JAX London so there’s for sure going to be a mix of crowds between .NET and Java developers. There’s a great line-up of speakers (a few more not on the list including Greg Young and Neil Robbins) and Richard and Carl will be there with their .NET Rocks Panel. If you’ve not signed up yet, I recommend you do. It’s going to be a great event.

The night of the 29th, JetBrains is holding an Open Doors community event, where we’ll show some of the things we are working on, discuss some future plans and also have two great friends of JetBrains, Sebastian Lambla and Howard van Rooijen talk to us about dealing with packages in .NET and promoting standards across teams. All this will be topped off with Beer and Snacks.

This is a free event, and you do not need to register for the main conference to attend this. However, places are limited so I do recommend you sign up as soon as possible if you want to come.

Also, don’t forget that you can still have a chance to win a free entrance to DevCon or JAX London (2 day pass valued at over 540 Pounds Sterling) by submitting a Screencast to JetBrainsTV

Hope to see you there!

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