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Free JetBrains Night in London, December 2nd

Looking for a date in London, UK on the 2nd of December? Spend a fun and informative evening with us and our developer tools.

In collaboration with NDC, we have prepared a FREE special evening event that coincides with the pending major release of ReSharper.

JetBrains Night in London, December 2nd

Come learn what’s new in ReSharper 9 and see ReSharper C++ in action. We’ll show you the hottest new features and share our tips and tricks to help you get the most out of our tools.

We will also be giving a sneak peak at some of things things we have been working on including Upsource, our new repository browser and code review tool, new upcoming features in TeamCity, YouTrack and some other goodies!

Light snacks and drinks will be provided. We hope that you join us from 17:30 – 21:00 on December 2nd at the Crowne Plaza London – Docklands.

There are a very limited number of tickets that are available. Learn more and register now to reserve your spot today.

Brought to you by JetBrains and NDC
NDC London 2014JetBrains Night in London is brought to you by JetBrains in collaboration with NDC. We would like take this opportunity to remind you that NDC London 2014 takes place during the same week, December 1st – December 5th, at the same venue. You do not need to attend NDC in order to attend our free JetBrains Night.

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