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ReSharper 9.1.2 for Visual Studio 2015 RTM

Update! ReSharper 9.1.2 has proven to be unstable in many Visual Studio 2015 RTM installations. If you’re affected, please apply available workarounds until ReSharper 9.1.3 is available.

Visual Studio 2015 and .NET Framework 4.6 were both released to market yesterday. Kudos to Microsoft for making this finally happen.

We thought we would come up with a quick guide to help you sort out what to expect from ReSharper integration into the final RTM build of Visual Studio 2015. Here’s what you should know:

  • For those of you wondering if you need ReSharper in Visual Studio 2015 at all, look no further than this comparison table that gives an overview of ReSharper’s benefits over bare Visual Studio 2015.
  • ReSharper 9.1.1 does work with Visual Studio 2015 RTM although it does have a few known issues. The major issue with 9.1.1 is that it is blocking Visual Studio’s quick actions: whenever both ReSharper and Visual Studio detect a problem and provide a fix, you don’t have a way to choose Visual Studio’s quick action over ReSharper’s.
  • To solve the 9.1.1 integration problem outlined above, we have prepared and just published ReSharper 9.1.2. It provides two critical fixes:
    • As was the case with ReSharper integration into pre-release builds of Visual Studio 2015, ReSharper 9.1.2 merges its own quick-fixes and other contextually available actions with Visual Studio’s own quick actions into its Alt+Enter menu:
      ReSharper and Visual Studio actions merged into ReSharper's menu
    • ReSharper 9.1.2 maps Visual Studio’s shortcut for displaying quick actions (Ctrl+.) to its own Alt+Enter menu. In other words, you can use either Ctrl+. or Alt+Enter to display ReSharper’s menu that encapsulates ReSharper’s and Visual Studio’s actions. Previous versions of ReSharper suppressed Ctrl+. instead of taking advantage of it.

    If you are using Visual Studio 2015 RTM, please download ReSharper 9.1.2 to enjoy these integration improvements. Corresponding updates to other ReSharper Ultimate tools are also available.

  • As announced before, we expect to release ReSharper 9.2 in August, and it is currently available via Early Access Program. ReSharper 9.2 will focus on properly supporting Windows 10 application development, as well as ASP.NET 5 development based on the most recent ASP.NET 5 milestone available by then. We’ll also be monitoring if there are any major Visual Studio 2015 integration issues discovered by then, and if they are, we’ll fix them.

We hope you’ll find Visual Studio 2015 RTM as good as it gets and enjoy it even more when you download ReSharper 9.1.2.

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