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ReSharper Ultimate 2017.3 Early Access Program kicks off

ReSharper Ultimate tools have just entered yet another pre-release cycle: please welcome ReSharper Ultimate 2017.3 EAP!
ReSharper Ultimate 2017.3 EAP

Here’s a few things that the first 2017.3 EAP build adds:

  • Updated code formatter, including new formatting options and fixes, notably for C# and HTML, as well as control of formatting settings via file masks from .editorconfig and via comments.
  • New typing assists for multi-line comments and chained method calls in C#.
  • C# 7 support extended with a code generation action that creates deconstructors from selected fields or properties.
  • Better presentation of Find Usages results with regard to multi-line method invocations.
  • New context actions, code inspections, and formatting options, as well as language support improvements in ReSharper C++.
  • Support for async/await and Tasks, as well as reworked backtrace presentation in dotTrace.

For your reference, here are lists of issues fixed in ReSharper and ReSharper C++.

We’ll keep you updated as new builds are published, and we’ll talk about significant updates in more detail. Meanwhile, please download ReSharper Ultimate 2017.3 EAP.

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