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.NET Tools How-To's ReSharper Platform Rider

Introducing the .NET Guide – Tutorials, Tips & Tricks for .NET, Rider, and ReSharper

We’re happy to introduce you to the .NET Guide – a central place for tutorials, tips & tricks for .NET and the JetBrains .NET tools!

All tips and tutorials are organized by product, technology, and topic. Tips & tricks show you how ReSharper and Rider can help you write better code, faster. Tutorials come with a screencast and extra written content, and are excellent for learning the basics and exploring additional resources. Tutorials range from an overview of .NET and ASP.NET Core, to profiling applications.

Some tutorials that are already available:

  • Getting Started With ASP.NET — A set of short videos to understand the basic landscape of an ASP.NET application.
  • The Basics Series — A set of short basic walkthroughs of different .NET technologies.
  • Rider Essentials — Our developer advocates show their favorite tips and tricks, uncovering how they work with Rider.
  • Profiling in Rider — Explore performance and memory profiling options in Rider, and optimize an existing application.
  • JetBrains .NET Days Online 2020 — Session recordings of JetBrains .NET Days Online 2020.

Go check them out!

Tutorial: Shortcuts, Editing, and Completion in Rider

Bite-sized tips will periodically be tweeted from our Twitter accounts, @ReSharper and @JetBrainsRider. An example is this tip showing live and postfix templates that help write code to iterate a collection.

Tutorials are more elaborate, and typically contain a screencast and written content that provides further learning and resources. Don’t want to read the text? Watch the screencast! Don’t want to watch the screencast? The text will get you there! Doing both will give you more value, as video and text cover additional topics.

Have your own tips & tricks to share? Want to see a specific tutorial?

We have already gathered quite a few tips & tricks and tutorials, and we’ll add more over time. What do you want to see? Are you looking for specific tutorials, or have tips & tricks everyone should know about?

Share your thoughts in the comments below!

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