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.NET Annotated Monthly | August 2021

Did you know? The first computer mouse was invented in 1964 and was made of wood. Indeed, it was! We’ve come a long way since then. Nowadays, computer mice are made with acrylonitrile butadiene styrene (ABS) plastic and are quite advanced when compared to early models.

.NET Annotated Monthly newsletter by JetBrains!

.NET news

Testing Web APIs or Services with JetBrains Rider – We love when Rider is able to help streamline the development process. In this case, Rider is helping Joe Guadagno to test Web APIs and services.

What Is WebAssembly — and Why Are You Hearing So Much About It? – So many folks who use .NET are using Blazor, and the WASM in Blazor WASM is for WebAssembly. But WebAssembly is for so much more than just Blazor development, and that’s why this piece is a “must read”. Mary Branscombe has written this excellent article detailing what you need to know about the underlying WebAssembly technology, its relationship to Blazor and other web development technologies, and why and how WebAssembly may fit into your development toolbox.

Tutorials and articles

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Tweet tips

Here’s a short thread by Kent Beck for those getting started with TDD, or those who want to share this with the junior devs on the team.

Paul nails it with this tweet. Make sure you know config & logging if you’re an ASP.NET Core developer.

Interesting and cool stuff

This happens every time…

You’ll groan. But you’ll laugh too. Unless you’re a JavaScript dev, then you won’t Node how to React. :D

And finally, the latest from JetBrains

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