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.NET Tools

Sunsetting dupFinder Command Line Tool

Together with ReSharper, we release a number of command line tools. Starting with the upcoming 2021.3 release, the dupFinder Command-Line Tool will no longer be included. The current 2021.2 version is the last release to include this tool.

The ReSharper command line tools are a set of free, cross-platform tools that let you run specific ReSharper functionality from the command line, or as part of your Continuous Integration (CI) process. You can use the CleanupCode and InspectCode tools to clean up code and run code inspections using ReSharper (or Rider) settings. 

In 2013, dupFinder joined our set of command line tools, to assist you in finding duplicated code fragments in C# and Visual Basic .NET code bases. Now, 8 years later, we are sunsetting the tool. You can use the 2021.2 version indefinitely, but it will no longer receive language- and other updates in the future.

If this change affects your current workflow, please get in touch!

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