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.NET Tools Releases Rider

ReSharper 2021.2.1 and Rider 2021.2.1 Bug Fixes Are Out!

Introducing the first bug-fix updates for the 2021.2 major releases of both Rider and ReSharper! 

Both Rider 2021.2.1 and ReSharper 2021.2.1 are available on and via the Toolbox app

ReSharper 2021.2.1

These are the most critical issues we’ve fixed:  

  • No more errors on an Average() call being ambiguous between Nullable<float> and Nullable<double> (RSRP-484898), and no more ‘The type xxx is defined in an assembly that is not referenced…‘ error for Unity/Mono projects (RSRP-485467).
  • ASP.NET Core routes no longer pollute the search result of Search Everywhere (RSRP-485344). 
  • We’ve fixed the root cause of slow nullable code analysis in some cases.

The full list of fixes in the ReSharper/ReSharper C++ bug fix is here.

Rider 2021.2.1 

Here is a list of the top bug fixes: 

  • We’ve fixed two issues that prevented debugging Blazor WebAssembly applications (RIDER-65999 and RIDER-66599).
  • T4 template execution works again on macOS (RIDER-66097).
  • No more errors on an Average() call being ambiguous between Nullable<float> and Nullable<double> (RSRP-484898) and no more ‘The type xxx is defined in an assembly that is not referenced…‘ error for Unity/Mono projects (RSRP-485467).
  • You can debug a DLL which is loaded from a stream in an AssemblyLoadContext (RIDER-66244).
  • The “Run all tests” and “Run selected tests” icons in the Unit Tests Explorer are no longer disabled when you open a test project (RIDER-66137).
  • Ctrl+Shift+Arrow keys (“Stretch to Right“/”Stretch to Left” actions) no longer resize the dialog instead of text selection (IDEA-267294).

You can see all of the issues we fixed in the Rider 2021.2.1 build here.

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