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ReSharper 2022.2 Roadmap

ReSharper 2022.1 was released just a couple of weeks ago, bringing a lot of improvements and bug fixes to Blazor development, C# support and more.

We’re already gearing up for the next Early Access Preview (EAP), which we’ll start publishing soon. That means it’s high time to share what the team will be focusing on over the coming months!

As always, keep in mind that the following is only a preliminary plan — it’s not a promise or commitment. Some features and fixes may go into a later release.

Language support and improvements

As with every release, we’re always looking at how to make writing code more enjoyable, with improved inspections and quick-fixes. In ReSharper  2022.1 we added support for generic attributes, and for 2022.2 we’re looking at C# 11 language enhancements such as raw string literals, raw interpolated strings and more.

Virtual code style and other code formatter updates

To improve readability and maintainability of code, many teams choose a standard code style that every developer has to adhere to. Quite often, this is not the preferred style of each individual. What if it was possible for every developer to work in their own preferred code style, while at the same time keeping files formatted according to the style chosen in the team? Virtual code style would settle the tabs vs. spaces argument and beyond!

There are some other benefits to virtual code styles. When older code is not formatted properly, teams often choose to not update formatting because it would pollute Git history. Virtual code styles would make such code more pleasant to read and edit, while at the same time keeping the original formatting.

For developers that are visually impaired, virtual code styles can help increase indents, or virtually align parameters in column, so they can more comfortably work with the code base using their own preferences.

Next to virtual code style, there are some other formatter updates coming:

  • The ability to define custom code formatting in plugins. Plugins that target specific frameworks, such as our Unity plugin, could ship code formatters with their own logic for specific cases. As an example, in Unity the [Header] attribute is intended as a separator between fields, rather than as an attribute of a field like in most C# code. The Unity plugin can implement custom formatting for this case.
  • We’re looking at making the code formatter for XML better. Expect auto-detection of formatting and more configuration options.

Profiler updates

For our dotTrace and dotMemory profilers, we’re focusing on bug fixes and performance improvements.

The Early Access Preview (EAP) version of ReSharper 2022.2 will be released soon. It’s a great way to provide early feedback and help us build a better product. If you want to get the early bits, keep an eye out on our channels and subscribe to our newsletters.

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