.NET Tools
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ReSharper Tools and Rider 2022.3.2 Bug-fix Updates Have Arrived!
Here comes another round of bug-fix updates for ReSharper Tools and Rider 2022.3. Let’s take a look at what has been improved.

Searching in the Search Everywhere popup shouldn’t be slow anymore (IDEA-308324).
Code editor
The Undo action works as expected in files with language injections (RIDER-85801).
Web development
- Hot reload applies layout changes in ASP.NET Core MVC applications on macOS (RIDER-69650).
- You can again build a web application that uses a legacy project style from the classic .NET Framework with the embedded MSBuild (RIDER-87113).
- We fixed the crash in ASP.NET Core projects (RSRP-490776).
Unreal Engine support
- The upcoming changes in UnrealHeaderTool and Blueprints from Unreal Engine 5.2 are now supported.
- We fixed several issues that caused excessive memory usage in C++ solutions – Unreal Engine projects in particular.
The Options and Hide buttons stay on the Debug window’s toolbar after you disable the new UI (RIDER-84418).
C# support
We fixed the false-positive errors for BigInteger operators in .NET 7 (RSRP-490798).
F# support
The #r “nuget: PackageName” directive in F# script files is being resolved correctly again (RIDER-86308).
For the full list of fixed issues, please refer to this page.
- You can now more precisely adjust which Visual Studio features to disable in the editor, like squiggles or health indicators (RSRP-490858, RSRP-489709). The new settings are available in ReSharper | Options | Environment | Editor | Visual Studio Features.
- We fixed the false-positive errors for BigInteger operators in .NET 7 (RSRP-490798).
- We fixed the crash in ASP.NET Core projects (RSRP-490776).
dotCover and dotTrace
Tracing, sampling, and line-by-line profiling modes work as expected even when there is a usage of a LibraryImport attribute in the system or user’s code (PROF-1321).
We fixed the importing of memory dumps collected for a .NET 7 process (DMRY-9934).
Dynamic Program Analysis
We added a fix for the analysis of database SQL events (DPA-1087).