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.NET Annotated Monthly | February 2023

Did you know? The official birthday of the internet is January 1, 1983. While there already was a prototype of several connected computers since the 1960’s, they had no standard way to communicate. That is, until January 1, 1983, when ARPANET and the Defense Data Network moved over to the TCP/IP standard bringing the very first version of what we know as The Internet.

.NET news

January rarely has a lot going on as folks in Redmond return from the holidays. Here’s the small amount of news from the previous month:

We’d like to thank Daniel Lawson for curating this month’s featured content! Daniel Lawson (GitHub) is a software developer with AWS certification for a consumer credit company in Paris, France. He is  a content creator, mostly on Twitter and on his blog. Daniel creates content about programming in general, and more specifically about C# .NET and AWS.

Do you know the .NET Advent Calendar?

The .NET Advent calendar is a mini-blog built in the spirit of the Advent Calendar. The idea is to publish one article every day, from December 1st to Christmas Eve (December 24th). Not only do I love the idea, but it’s also a directory of some great articles to read and some great bloggers to discover. In The 2022 Advent Calendar, for example, you will find articles targeting a wide variety of topics, such as Internet of Things (a.k.a IoT), Azure, Blazor and many other topics.

Also, one important thing I love about the .NET Advent Calendar is that the blog is open to EVERYONE! Yes! You can contribute to the blog too! Registrations are already opened for 2023. I think it is a great way to advertise your blog. So, it’s worth taking a look!

.NET Frontend Day is coming !

The 10th of February is a date to remember if you like .NET frontend technologies. The .NET Frontend Day is an event where speakers share a lot around the frontend ecosystem of .NET. MAUI and Blazor take an important place, but other frontend topics are exposed as well. This year, it will be a hybrid event :  in-person in Stockholm, Sweden, and also stream live on Youtube. Registrations are still possible via the official website. Also, you can find the recordings of the last years on the .NET Frontend Day Youtube channel. Enjoy!  

.NET + AWS = ❤️ :  Free AWS courses for .NET Developers by Nick Chapsas

In the chapter of .NET on AWS this month, I want to emphasize the new curriculum created by Nick Chapsas, with the support of AWS, titled “AWS Services for C# Developers”. If you are a C# developer who wants to discover the cloud, especially AWS, then this program is for you. Nick tackled every important aspect you need to know about AWS, such as serverless technologies with AWS Lambdas, queue and notifications services, storage with S3, or NoSQL technologies with DynamoDB, and so on. The Good news is that you can enroll for FREE! If you want to learn cloud fundamentals from a developer’s perspective, go to Nick’s website and enroll!

New .NET Native AOT compilation: Good news for the serverless world!

Till .NET 6, C# compilers compile your C# code to the MSIL (Microsoft Intermediate Language) and then into Native code at runtime by the JIT (Just-in-Time) compiler. I wrote a  Twitter thread about how your code is compiled, succinctly. But .NET brings a new way to compile C# code in the   version 7: Native Ahead-Of-Time Compilation, a.k.a Native AOT. 

Native AOT helps to publish self-contained console apps where JIT is not allowed. It produced directly the native code, using an Ahead-Of-Time compilation. That means the app will start up very quickly with less memory. You can publish either for Linux or Windows. Native AOT is worth considering in quick startup scenarios, such as cloud serverless technologies (Azure Functions for Azure, or AWS Lambdas for AWS), where improving cold start represents a big challenge. If your architecture relies on serverless technologies in the cloud, Native AOT might be your next topic to consider. However, Native AOT deployment comes with some limitations, for now. If you want to know more, please take a look at the .NET documentation.

Programing tutorials and tips 

.NET tutorials and tips

Here’s a great reminder for 2023 and beyond. Work on problem solving as your superpower – not memorization. You’ll go further in your career.

Related programming tutorials and tips:

There’s not much to say about this one:

Interesting and cool stuff

  • Code to the beat of your own drum during Black History Month 2023 – An excellent “must read” about music and coding and Black stories of success by Kevin Johnson. 
  • What do the tech layoffs really tell us? – Are you concerned about your job? Your company? Want to know what’s going on? Catch this podcast by Eira May at StackOverflow about the state of the industry and how it relates to the recent waves of layoffs.
  • C++ explained to my dog – This is fun. Marco Foco rewrites some C# and explains what the differences are. Marco says he doesn’t have a dog so take from that what you will.
  • What’s in a (Version) Number? –  Sometimes, it’s more than Major.Minor.Revision. Sometimes, non-technical factors play into software versions. Sometimes this can even stall their release. In his post, Dylan Beattie has made some notes about an online conversation about this phenomenon.  

Just gonna toss this one out there:

And finally, the latest from JetBrains

Here’s a chance to catch up on JetBrains news that you might have missed:

This year’s first round of EAP (Early Access Program) downloads are here. Go grab ‘em while they’re still hot hot hot!

🛠 Check out our .NET Guide! It’s a learning tool with tons of videos, tips, tricks, and info on a variety of .NET related topics. 🛠

Blog posts, webinars, etc..:

Don’t miss this fantastic offer! CODE Magazine is giving away a free subscription to JetBrains customers. Get your copy today!

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