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Game Development Tooling Tutorials – Unity, Unreal Engine, Rider, and RiderFlow

We’ve just published several new tutorials to the JetBrains .NET Guide – a central place for tutorials, tips & tricks for .NET and the JetBrains .NET tools.

The three tutorials that were added are all related to game development:

Creating Games With Unity

With Rider for Unity, powerful C# features help you forget about tooling and concentrate on coding. Jump to the exact code you need instantly, generate code as you type, and find and automatically fix problems before you hit them.

Rider’s Unity specific inspections will find common errors, help you fix them, and suggest best practices to keep your game running smoothly. Rider understands your serialized data, showing you serialized fields and method usages directly in the code editor and displaying Unity data right where you need it.

In Creating Games With Unity – Scripting Logic With Rider, we’ll look at these and other ways to get Rider to help you improve your game.

Creating Games With Unreal Editor and JetBrains Rider

Let’s find out how Rider for Unreal Engine‘s smart C++ engine can help you have a great Unreal experience. Navigate instantly to the code you need, generate code as you type, and find and fix Unreal specific errors as you type – all without having to build your code first!

Rider has a great understanding of Unreal Engine projects and is optimized to work well with Unreal. Rider’s deep integration with the Unreal editor allows you to switch to play mode, show logs, and run tests, all without leaving the editor. We’ll also see how Rider understands Unreal Blueprints, and shows information such as serialized data and usages directly in the editor.

In Creating Games With Unreal Editor and JetBrains Rider, let’s learn the best ways that Rider can help you concentrate on building a fantastic Unreal game!

Design and Manage Scenes With RiderFlow

RiderFlow is a free plugin for the Unity editor that helps you work with your Unity scenes. Aimed at all types of Unity users, from coders to level designers and artists, RiderFlow will help you organize your scenes, search for assets and usages, find usages of those assets, quickly move around your scenes, and more. You can even edit code and refactor your scenes by easily replacing objects in a scene.

Our new tutorial, Design and Manage Scenes With RiderFlow, walks you through the best tips for RiderFlow to help speed up your Unity development!

What else is there?

The JetBrains .NET Guide has some existing tutorials about .NET technologies that you may want to explore. A number of tips and tricks for ReSharper, Rider, dotTrace, dotMemory, … are also available.

If you are new to game development, also check out JetBrains Academy. There is a new track Game Development With Unity track that will teach you game design and game development, and that will help you create your own indie games from start to finish.

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