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.NET Tools Releases

dotCover, dotMemory, dotPeek, and dotTrace 2023.2 Released!

dotCover 2023.2, dotMemory 2023.2, dotPeek 2023.2, and dotTrace 2023.2 have been released and are ready for download! 

Let’s take a look at what’s new with these .NET tools.

dotMemory 2023.2

Snapshot analysis in JetBrains Rider

Before 2023.2, you could only use dotMemory in Rider for memory allocation analysis. In 2023.2, you can collect memory snapshots and analyze them in Rider, just like in the standalone version of dotMemory.

  • Snapshot analysis is available on Windows, Linux, and macOS.
  • On Windows, you can also import and analyze process dumps.
  • Some features and views are not available, e.g., automatic snapshot inspections and creation stack trace views.

dotTrace 2023.2

Grouping by a thread for sampling, tracing, and line-by-line snapshots

Now, the Call Tree inside Rider and the standalone dotTrace application lets you group call stacks by individual threads, allowing deeper insight into thread-specific performance issues.

Source View tool window on Linux and macOS

The standalone version of dotTrace on Linux and macOS gets the Source View window. After you select a call in the Call Tree, Source View will show you the source code of the corresponding method.

Other improvements and bug fixes

  • For Timeline snapshots, dotTrace Viewer now shows the names of native threads instead of showing them all as Native.This feature will benefit Unity developers, letting them distinguish specific Unity threads. Available only on Windows.
  • The Source View window in dotTrace Viewer now shows the number of invocations for each line of code.

dotPeek 2023.2

dotPeek 2023.2 provides a way to compare two assemblies in detail. This feature is especially useful when scrutinizing the differences between two versions of a specific assembly and searching for potential vulnerabilities that may have been introduced in a newer version.

Click here for more information.

dotCover 2023.2

This release was dedicated to bug fixes and stability improvements.

If you’re also interested in learning more about ReSharper 2023.2 or Rider 2023.2, please visit:

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