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.NET Tools Releases Rider

Bug Fixes for ReSharper 2024.1.4 and Rider 2024.1.4 Are Now Available! 

The new bug fixes for the 2024.1 release are available to download. 


ReSharper 2024.1.4 fixes a couple of notable issues:

  • We’ve fixed a StackOverflow exception on calling Find Usages or Go to Declaration features on strings from resources (RSRP-496787).  
  • We’ve eliminated a code analysis error that occurred when referencing .NET Framework 4.8.1 in a .NET 8 project (RSRP-496682)

You can find the full list of fixed issues here.


In addition to fixed issues from ReSharper, Rider 2024.1.4 delivers several important fixes of its own: 

  • No more deadlocks in solutions with .editorconfig files (RIDER-107157).
  • Rider doesn’t lose Blueprint usages in Unreal Engine solutions if changes are made to Blueprints (RIDER-112251).

For the full list of fixed issues, please refer to this page.

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