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Rider 2025.1 EAP 3: Enhancements for Blazor WASM, User Experience, and the Decompiler
JetBrains Rider 2025.1 EAP 3 is out!
You can now download this version from our website, update directly from within the IDE, use the free Toolbox App, or install it via snap packages for Ubuntu.
Here’s what you can expect from this update:
Proper support for Blazor WebAssembly publishing
Rider 2025.1 EAP 3 introduces proper support for Blazor WebAssembly (WASM) publishing. You can now use the .NET Publish
| Publish to Folder
configuration, which will use browser-wasm target runtime without encountering missing files in the output. [RIDER-63220]
User experience
Merged main menu in the main toolbar on Windows and Linux
For Windows and Linux users, the IDE now offers a new option to merge the main menu with the main toolbar, creating a more streamlined interface.
Option to set automatic plugin updates
You can set Rider to automatically update plugins in the background. It will download available and compatible updates and apply them on the next IDE restart without additional notifications. You can enable automatic updates by clicking the Enable auto-update checkbox in Settings/Preferences | Appearance & Behavior | System Settings | Updates.

Decompiler updates
- Added support for the lock statement with the new
type introduced in C# 13. [DOTP-8177] - Introduced support for pattern-based
structs. [DOTP-8176] - Added support for required members. [DOTP-8178]
- Improved code readability by adding commented hexadecimal representations for certain integer constants in decompiled code. [DOTP-5828]
For full information about the updates included in this build, please see our issue tracker.