IntelliJ IDEA – the IDE for Professional Development in Java and Kotlin
IntelliJ IDEA 10 gives you an easy way of generating bean dependencies for Spring Test Contexts. Simply hit Alt+Insert in your Spring Test to invoke the "Generate…" popup, select the "Bean dependency..." action to run and choose the beans you like. IntelliJ IDEA actually runs a live template ins…
With IntelliJ IDEA 9.0.2 you can edit HTML and CSS code really fast using Zen Coding features. To use it, you have to install Zen Coding plugin for Web IDE/IntelliJ IDEA: go to Zen Coding Project Download Page, download an archive that contains a set of live templates, and extract it to "<Your H…
Writing JavaScript/ActionScript/Flex code becomes easier with IntelliJ IDEA 9.0.2. New set of live templates (see Settings dialog (Ctrl+Alt+S), Live Templates, JavaScript/ActionScript group), allows to avoid tedious typing when you need to define a function, variable or constant, to loop over an Arr…
Sometimes I find myself writing repetitive code constructs without being able to extract common code due to Java syntax hmm... let's call them peculiarities. 'Sounds like a job for a live template', I think, and I simply create it. Here's how. The documentation has it too, but a good example never h…
You can easily generate setter or constructor dependency to any Spring Bean from your application contexts. Just press Alt+Insert or select Generate from the Code menu, then select appropriate dependency type, and then select a bean.IntelliJ IDEA will correctly update your application context file a…