
Meet the YouTrack Team at the Agile Alliance Technical Conference 2016

YouTrack team is going to Raleigh, NC, US this week. We are attending and sponsoring the first Agile Alliance Technical Conference (AATC2016).  So, let’s meet at the AATC2016 on April 7-8 2016! We are focused on our Team tools: TeamCity, Upsource, YouTrack and Hub this time, as we believe that agile is about bringing value to development teams, and all our team tools follow agile principles and make teams more productive.



Stop by the JetBrains booth, if you are around. We’ve prepared live product demos, team tools sticker quiz, IDE license drawing, good coffee with the JetBrains special chocolate, and good company just to chat!



Keep the Drive to Develop,

The JetBrains Team