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ReSharper for C++ Early Access Program Goes Public

Do you recall how we announced that ReSharper was going to support C++ last summer? Well we’re still serious about that: as serious as the folks who are working next door on a separate, cross-platform, IntelliJ-based C++ IDE.

We’ve been running private ReSharper C++ Early Access Program (EAP) for several months now. Out of 1200+ developers who subscribed to receive private builds, over 600 did in fact receive them. Great thanks to all subscribers who, by virtue of submitting info about their development environments, helped us significantly in sorting out what to support in a priority fashion and what to leave in the backlog for now.

As we now have a sufficiently good idea of how devs are working on C++ in Visual Studio, there’s little sense to keep the gates closed. That said, we’re now opening ReSharper C++ EAP to the public.

Before you go and download and play with the latest EAP build though, you should totally read the following and mind the limitations that are inherent to the current state of ReSharper C++ EAP. Here are the things you should know about ReSharper C++ EAP.

What is supported

  • C, C++03 and a part of C++11
  • Code bases up to 40Mb
  • Most Boost libraries

What is not supported

  • Code bases exceeding 40Mb
  • Microsoft libraries including MFC, ATL and WTL
  • Certain C++11 features including variadic templates, raw string literals and trailing return types. Lambdas are supported partially
  • An array of MS preprocessor extensions
  • An even wider array of MS C++ extensions

If you’re not sure if a C++11 feature or an MS C++ extension that you’re using is supported, the ReSharper C++ EAP page contains a full list of known issues and unsupported items, which you’re highly encouraged to examine before you decide to download and install an EAP build.

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