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Rider 2017.2 EAP build 3

We’ve got another fresh EAP build for you: get Rider 2017.2 EAP 3!

Rider 2017.2 EAP - build 3 - Early Access Program

Here’s the list of this build’s highlights:

  • Better npm integration: Rider opens the npm tool window and offers to run npm install on opening a solution that contains a top-level package.json file.
  • tsconfig.json is now detected and taken into account when analyzing TypeScript files.
  • Call Tracking and Value Tracking actions are now directly available from the Alt+Enter menu on member and parameter declarations.
  • Import and export of all global settings is available, including both settings coming from ReSharper and the IntelliJ platform.
  • Solution-wide analysis (SWEA) is automatically paused during NuGet restore.
  • Improved Unity support, including better highlighting in .cginc files and injected Cg fragments in .shader files.
  • Better presentation of paths to MSBuild, Mono and .NET Core in Rider settings (Build, Execution, Deployment | Toolset and Build).
  • Performance stabilization (in progress).

If you want to glance through the list of bugs fixed, here’s the list for you.

Please download Rider 2017.2 EAP 3 and give the new build a try!

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