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Rider’s F# plugin is now open source

Back in May when we announced F# support in Rider, we told you we’d make F# plugin open source as soon as we are ready to accept contributions.

The day has finally come, and we have just made the F# plugin repository public.

For a quick summary, the F# plugin consists of a backend (ReSharper.Host plugin) and a frontend (IntelliJ Platform plugin) parts that are written in F#, C# and Kotlin. This may sound overcomplicated but thanks to an extensive use of NuGet and Gradle, setting up the development environment is pretty straightforward. Development is currently only supported on Windows although we expect to enable development on macOS and Linux soon.

There are currently no strict development guidelines, and if you’re up to it, you can grab pretty much any open F# issue on the Rider issue tracker although we have tagged some that should be easier to implement and are unlikely to require any infrastructural changes.

For more information on the internals of the plugin, requirements, build/run/debug guidelines, contribution workflow and known issues, check out F# plugin repository’s README.

To clear up any possible doubts, the Rider team will continue putting a lot of effort into F# support, and we’re looking forward to doing it in collaboration with the community.

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