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Rider 2017.3.1 is released

Between the release of Rider 2017.3 and the start of 2018.1 EAP our team have worked diligently on cleaning things up, to provide you with a sleek and hassle-free experience with the IDE and today we’re happy to announce that we succeeded with the tidy new Rider 2017.3.1!

Among other things, in this update you will find:

RIDER-12503 — Fixed unexpected project loading errors.
RIDER-6714 — Fine-tuned syntax highlighting for XML documentation comments.
RIDER-3491 — Shortcut for Move Caret to Matching Brace working as expected.
RIDER-12420 — Shared run configurations are back in the solution-specific folder: ./idea/.idea.SolutionName/.idea.
— A lot of fixes in Code Completion including glitches with the autopopup and a set of improvements in the UI;
— 100+ more issues are also fixed, see the full list.

This bugfix release has a few noticeable enhancements as well:

— Rider debugger can now step into third-party code in Unity projects (and all other Mono-based projects too!).
RIDER-12319 — Improved auto-detection of Unity Mono runtime.
RIDER-8453 — Debugging on connected iOS devices in Xamarin.
RIDER-9343 — Preview of Find Usages in the text editor.

Note: existing shared run configurations files created with 2017.3 still need to be manually put to the .idea/.idea.SolutionName/.idea/runConfigurations folder after you install 2017.3.1, but Rider will take care of them from there.

You can install this update either via Toolbox App, or as a patch for Rider 2017.3 (use Help | Check for Updates), or otherwise just get an installer from our website.

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