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Introducing ReSharper Ultimate 2018.2 Early Access Program

Today we are kicking off the new cycle of the ReSharper Ultimate EAP (Early Access Program). Please welcome the ReSharper Ultimate 2018.2 EAP!

Introducing ReSharper Ultimate 2018.2 Early Access Program

In addition to more than 100 fixes, here are the new features and improvements you can already try in this first ReSharper 2018.2 EAP build:

  • The ReSpeller extension has been merged to the ReSharper code base, so ReSharper 2018.2 EAP provides spell-checking functionality out of the box.
  • Initial C# 7.3 support is available, including declaration expressions in initializers and queries, tuple equality, ref assignments, and unmanaged, System.Delegate, and System.Enum constraints.
  • We’ve redesigned the UI for multiple refactorings including Copy type, Make static\non static, Convert property to function and back, Type to partial, Anonymous to declared, Constructor to factory, and Move instance. More refactorings are waiting for their turn at a new UI in the following EAP builds.
  • ReSharper offers initial support for Blazor.
  • We’ve fixed a lot of things in our support for regular expressions.
  • There’s a new option to execute BeforeBuild and AfterBuild targets for skipped projects in ReSharper Build.
  • We’ve introduced a couple of small but handy new features in Navigation. First, you can specify ignored files by using a mask in Environment | Search & Navigation. Second, Search Everywhere can now successfully parse function signatures copied from dotTrace/Visual Studio’s Call Stack window for further searching.

As for ReSharper C++ 2018.2, its first EAP build includes these changes:

  • Initial C++/CLI support is available. It’s on by default, but can be disabled on the ReSharper | Options | Code Editing | C++ | Inspections options page.
  • The following C++17 features are now supported:
    • Fold expressions
    • Auto non-type template parameters
    • Pack expansions in using declarations
    • Using declarations with multiple declarators
    • Guaranteed copy elision
    • Aggregates with base classes
    • std::is_aggregate type trait
    • __has_include in preprocessor conditionals
  • Several features from the upcoming C++20 standard have been implemented:
    • Coroutines
    • Designated initialization
    • Feature test macros
    • Default member initializers for bit-fields
  • Size and alignment calculations take into account bit-field sizes, alignas specifiers, and __decltype(align) attributes.
  • There are two new color settings for static class fields and member functions.

The entire list of changes can be found on YouTrack.

Grab your copy of ReSharper Ultimate 2018.2 EAP and share your feedback about this EAP with us!

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