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ReSharper Ultimate 2018.2.3 and Rider 2018.2.3 are released!

We’ve just published two bugfix updates, ReSharper Ultimate 2018.2.3 and Rider 2018.2.3, that you may want to install right away. Here are the fixes we’ve added in both:

In ReSharper Ultimate 2018.2.3:

  • We’ve sped up XAML support a bit (RSRP-471164).
  • 2018.2 release splashes are used instead of EAP ones (RSRP-471471).

In Rider 2018.2.3:

  • Rider correctly calculates C# language version based on the latest value in a csproj file (RSRP-471483).
  • Azure DevOps URLs in NuGet Credential Provider is supported (RIDER-19664).
  • We’ve fixed the Unhandled Exception while running Unity in batchmode (RIDER-19688).

Go ahead and install these builds at your earliest convenience. You’ll find ReSharper Ultimate 2018.2.3 and Rider 2018.2.3 on our site, or just update via Toolbox App.

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