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.NET Tools Rider Roadmap

Rider 2020.3 Roadmap

Hello folks! With the Rider 2020.2 release out of the door, we’re looking toward the future. After sharing our ReSharper 2020.3 plans earlier this week, we’ll now look at our plans for Rider 2020.3. Your feedback is welcome and encouraged.

The following is a set of highlighted features our team is currently working on. Let’s get started.

  • .NET 5 – Our plan is to put significant time and effort to support the upcoming release of .NET 5. While development is possible in Rider today with .NET 5, it is incomplete. .NET 5 is the future of .NET, and we want to help developers get there.
  • More Performance – One of our biggest missions is to give you a fast and snappy development experience. In our efforts to do so, we are optimizing in the areas of cross-gen, frontend/backend startup, and solution-wide analysis.
  • Enterprise Features – In our effort to support enterprise developers, we are bringing more support for tools like Internet Information Services (IIS), Entity Framework, and more. In a specific feature, we plan on delivering one-click attach to a process for IIS users.
  • Immediate Window – Rider’s debugger has had the Evaluate Expression dialog for quite some time, but we’ve been asked for a more robust debugging interaction with variables, instances, and methods. We have begun work introducing an immediate window into the Rider debugging suite of tools, and we hope you’re as excited as we are.
  • New Toolbar Design – Integrating with distributed version control systems and sharing features, bug fixes, and enhancements are essential to the modern development story. In a redesign of the Rider toolbar, we are bringing version control access closer to a developer’s fingertips, while reducing unnecessary clutter.
  • Project Structure DiagramsReSharper users have benefited from project diagrams and the ability to visually understand their solution architecture. The team continues work to bring the feature to Rider customers.
  • Redesigned Welcome Screen – Our Welcome screen redesign will help all developers get started quickly. The redesign will include quick actions with starting a new solution, opening existing solutions, and retrieving a solution from source control.
  • macOS Plist Editor – For folks building apps targeting Apple’s operating systems, we will be bringing a plist editor into Rider. Xamarin.Forms users will have an easier time adjusting entitlements and completing an app’s info.plist.
  • Migrating Settings From Other IDEs – We want to make the transition to Rider as enjoyable as possible for developers. Our goals are to import settings like keymaps, tool window layouts, general settings, and even match any plugins you have installed. It’s an ambitious goal that will make the onboarding experience that much more pleasant.

As always, plans can change, so these features are not promised to arrive in the next version. There will be many more enhancements, features, and bug-fixes along the road to Rider 2020.3.

Now is an excellent opportunity to engage with our team, and give us the feedback we need to make the best IDE for .NET developers!

Let us know in the comments below, or submit a new feature request in our issue tracker. We look forward to your feedback.

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