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.NET Tools Releases Rider

Rider 2021.1 Reaches Beta!

Good news, everyone!

Today we released Rider 2021.1 Beta. This means that we are on the homestretch of the major release. This build is packed with all the features that will soon be available with the official 2021.1 release. Let’s take a look at what’s coming.

Docker support

  • Adding Docker support to a project in Rider is now easier – select “Docker Support” on the “new project” dialog or use Add | Docker Support, which can be found in the context menu for an existing project in the Solution Explorer tool window.
  • Out of the box, Rider can now run Dockerfiles generated by Visual Studio.

C# support

  • The Merge into pattern inspection can now be used with many more code patterns.
  • We’ve added more support for C# 9.0 records.
  • We’ve introduced a new inspection, Inline temporary variable.
  • You can call the Rename refactoring for named tuples.
  • For C# 10.0 support, we’ve taken some first steps and taught Rider to work with the "Constant interpolation strings" feature.

Web development

  • We’ve added a scaffolding mechanism for ASP.NET Core projects. Rider supports scaffolding Areas, Controllers, Razor Pages, Views, and Identity. This support includes generating boilerplate source code that allows full CRUD operations to use Entity Framework. Learn more about it in this blog post.
  • We’ve introduced support for route templates. Rider now provides code completion, structural navigation, inspections, and quick-fixes for them. Learn more about them in this blog post.
  • The option to delete existing files in a folder before publishing is now available.
  • MDN documentation is now bundled with Rider.
  • We’ve added a new built-in browser preview that allows you to preview HTML files quickly.


  • Now you can attach to a .NET process right from the Welcome screen!
  • Debugger hints in the editor not only show you what’s going on, but also allow you to interact with the debugger process through debugger hints.
  • We’ve added an option to show raw data for an object if its representation has been changed with a DebuggerBrowsable attribute.


  • Rider can show you where Unity is using your code inside animation assets, showing usages of properties and methods as animation callbacks.
  • Code completion and validation are now available for Unity’s animation state values.
  • The new release adds menu items that show all the methods called in the hot path back up to an Update method, or that trace the outgoing calls to finally reach a known expensive Unity API.
  • You can debug SerializedProperty instances.
  • Rider has extended its Unity-based unit testing support to include code coverage for play mode tests.


  • Our “Godot Support for Rider” plugin now supports running NUnit unit tests directly in the game process to ensure everything works as expected.


  • The Pull Requests (PR) view now features a drop-down list with all the available repositories for the current project.
  • PR creation is now straightforward – just click the “+” icon or go to Git | GitHub | Create Pull Request.
  • Version 2021.1 supports PR templates.
  • Rider now has a Git commit template, which you can use to create custom commit messages to suit your needs.
  • In v2021.1, we added the Save to Shelf action that copies your changes to the Shelf while keeping them in the local changes.


  • Rider now saves the Solution Explorer’s state, including opened nodes, when the IDE is closed and later re-opened.
  • We’ve improved our XAML Preview tool. Learn more about that in the blog post.
  • When there are several vertically-split editor tabs open, you can now double-click on each one to maximize the editor window for it.
  • We’ve reworked the folder selection dialogs on Windows. Now it will only show you folders that you are able to select.
  • Toolbox manager for the Windows Forms designer has been completely redesigned.


  • Syntax highlighting has come to the Quick Documentation window, where it will provide the same highlighting you see in the code editor.
  • In v2021.1, you can fine-tune the weight of your main and bold font styles in Preferences / Settings | Editor | Fonts.
  • On Windows, you can now access your recent projects by right-clicking the Rider icon on the taskbar or on the Start menu.

Code styles

  • We’ve added a couple of new formatting settings.
  • We’ve added a new Reindent only action for Format Selection.
  • We’ve improved how Rider reads settings for naming rules from EditorConfig and how it writes the user-defined naming rules to EditorConfig.

F# support

  • We’ve added the new Inline Variable refactoring for local let bindings.
  • Rider can now calculate an allowed language level based on the project and compiler used in a build and suggest improvements to make your F# code more modern and up-to-date.
  • To Interpolated String, a new analyzer and quick-fix, aims to convert a printf-style format string to an F# 5 interpolated string.

Other updates

  • We’ve implemented NuGet Smart Restore on build.
  • Rider now supports building in parallel on recent versions of Mono.
  • When performing the timeline profiling of .NET Core applications on Windows, dotTrace collects information about incoming HTTP requests.

We would truly appreciate your feedback on this build, as there is still time to make this release even better. Feel free to leave a message in the comments section below this blog post, and let us know about any issues you encounter in the Rider bug tracker.

Download Rider 2021.1 Beta

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