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.NET Tools Releases

ReSharper 2021.1.2 and Rider 2021.1.2 Are Here!

Hello everyone,

We’ve just published the bug-fix updates to ReSharper and Rider. Let’s take a look at the most important changes.


  • We’ve fixed the issue that caused Visual Studio to freeze on debugging web applications (RSRP-483982).
  • We’ve fixed the never-ending code analysis when Razor components contain each other (RSRP-483454).
  • We’ve fixed the exception when running unit tests in Visual Studio 2017 (RSRP-484094).
  • We’ve fixed the incorrect handling of const rules from .editorconfig (RSRP-484004).

For the full list of fixed issues, please refer to our bug tracker.


  • We’ve fixed a number of issues in web development, such as false errors in .xaml files, Locate and Select in Solution View issues, and others.
  • We’ve fixed the issue that broke the Find in Files feature (RIDER-61392).
  • We’ve fixed the issue that caused Run/Debug Configuration to disappear (RIDER-60924).
  • We’ve fixed the issue with controls in WinForms Toolbox (RIDER-60335).
  • We’ve fixed the issue in the Show Neighbours feature in project diagrams (RIDER-60525).
  • We’ve brought back the database diagrams (RIDER-61248).

For the full list of fixed issues, please refer to our bug tracker.

Please let us know how the bug fixes work for you. You can share your feedback in the comments below, the bug tracker, or on any social media.

You can download Rider 2021.1.2 and ReSharper 2020.1.2 from our website or update either product by using the Toolbox App. You can also update Rider as a snap.

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