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.NET Tools Bugfix Releases

ReSharper and Rider 2021.1.3 bugfix is available

Hi everyone,

The bugfix update for ReSharper and Rider has just arrived. Here are the highlights of what we’ve been doing:


  • Fixed the performance problem on loading a solution (RSRP-483253).
  • Fixed the issue with test runner and environment variables (RSRP-484248).
  • Fixed Cleanup code – it no longer adds redundant type arguments (RSRP-484137).
  • Fixed the slow typing and freezes in Visual Studio 16.10 (RSRP-484415).


You can download Rider 2021.1.3 and ReSharper 2020.1.3 from our website or update either product by using the Toolbox App. You can also update Rider as a snap.

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