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Introducing the Rider Localization EAP for Chinese, Japanese, and Korean

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We’re announcing the start of the Early Access Program (EAP) for Rider localization.

First of all, we would like to thank everyone who contributed to this work: our users who requested language support, the JetBrains development team, our quality control engineers, and the localization team. We are grateful for all your time and effort.

What the localization EAP is

Just like with our new features, the current localization EAP lets you preview Rider in Chinese (Simplified), Japanese, and Korean.

Localization is still in progress, but most of the most-used dialogues and features are already available in the localized version.

How to change the language of Rider

Language packs are plugins for Chinese, Japanese, and Korean that can be easily installed as described in the Rider documentation. Don’t hesitate to try these plugins now!

The plugins are compatible with Rider starting from version 2023.1 EAP3.

How to submit feedback on the localized parts of Rider

We’d be happy to get your feedback on the parts of the UI that have already been localized. Submitting feedback has never been easier: you can submit it directly from the IDE or via YouTrack using these templates for the Chinese, Japanese, or Korean versions of the IDE, either in English or in your native language. We have special YouTrack subsystems for localization issues.

What if you find other types of bugs or have feature requests? These are submitted in English, as usual.

What our next steps will be

Our development, quality assurance, and localization teams are working around the clock to deliver the fully localized version of Rider. Next on our to-do list is ReSharper.

Stay tuned!

Your JetBrains team

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