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ReSharper 2023.2 EAP 3: Improvements for Working with Raw Strings and More C++ Features.

The third Early Access Program build for ReSharper version 2023.2 has just been published! Before you download it, let’s take a look at the most important updates you’ll find inside. 

New C# inspections for working with raw strings

Use raw string inspection + quick-fix

Before C# 11, using verbatim strings was the way to go if you wanted to have a multi-line representation. However, doing so meant that you had to sacrifice the regular indentation of your code. You would also have to use two sets of quotes or curly braces in order to avoid confusing them with string delimiters or interpolations.

To improve your code’s readability, ReSharper 2023.2 will suggest transforming these verbatim strings into their raw representations.

Use raw string inspection in ReSharper 2023.2

Raw string editing context actions

Raw strings have a flexible design that prevents characters from escaping by adjusting the number of quotes, dollar signs, or interpolation braces.

Making these changes manually is tedious, but the latest version of ReSharper can do it for you. In addition to adding or removing quotes and dollar sign symbols, we’ve also added context actions for switching between single-line and multi-line representation.

Raw string editing in ReSharper 2023.2

Simplify raw string inspection + quick-fix

After performing a series of changes on your raw strings, you may end up with a non-optimal string representation where some of the quotes and dollar sign symbols become redundant.

As always, ReSharper offers a new inspection and a corresponding quick-fix to simplify a raw string.

Raw string editing in ReSharper 2023.2

More C# improvements:

  • ReSharper 2023.2 EAP 2 introduces new code formatter options, allowing you to align or indent the content inside of raw strings.
  • We’ve also improved typing assistance for when you use the Enter, Delete, or Backspace keys.

Gutter marks for recursive calls in C++

If you have a recursive call, ReSharper C++ will mark it in the gutter, making it more visible:

Raw string editing in ReSharper 2023.2

This EAP build also brings support for the .cppm module interface file extension, several improvements for more consistent and straightforward code navigation, and smarter generation of documentation comments. For more details on the ReSharper C++ updates, please see the dedicated blog post.

For the full list of features and improvements included in this build, please see our issue tracker.

That’s it for now!

As always, we’d love to hear your opinions and suggestions in the comments below.

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