ReSharper and Rider have just received their second set of bug-fix updates for the 2023.2 release! Let’s take a look at the most important issues that have been resolved in this update.
ReSharper no longer generates critical failure errors due to a StackOverflowException being thrown during code analysis of the ConditionalTernary operator. [RSRP-493897]
The debugger no longer throws the System.InvalidOperationException when ReSharper is enabled in Visual Studio. [RSRP-493847]
Code analysis now correctly processes the replacement of tag helpers in _ViewImports.cshtml. [RSRP-493577]
Correct file layout is maintained for files containing custom HasAttribute tags. [RSRP-493807]
For the full list of resolved issues, please refer to our issue tracker.
The IDE no longer generates critical failure errors due to a StackOverflowException being thrown during code analysis of the ConditionalTernary operator. [RSRP-493897]
Code analysis now correctly processes the replacement of tag helpers in _ViewImports.cshtml. [RSRP-493577]
The VCS widget now initializes correctly for Unreal Engine projects opened via .uproject or .uprojectdirs. [RIDER-95512]
The IDE no longer generates a new blank line in the .csproj file after a new folder is created inside the project. [RIDER-97746]
Correct file layout is maintained for files containing custom HasAttribute tags. [RSRP-493807]
Creating a new file for a Unity project from the Editor no longer causes Rider to crash. [RIDER-97905]
The Find in Files command highlights and sorts as intended for projects opened as a directory. [RIDER-98094]
macOS system shortcuts are no longer prioritized over the IntelliJ IDEA-based IDEs’ keymaps. [RIDER-97892]
The issue causing performance degradation when working with Markdown files containing tables has been resolved. [IDEA-326905]
The IDE no longer hangs on the splash screen because of the Exception in thread “AWT-EventQueue-1” error. [IDEA-314813]
The IDE now preserves the EditorConfig formatting properly again.[IDEA-326450]
The IDE no longer displays irrelevant GitLab merge request pipelines. [IDEA-326509]
For the full list of resolved issues in this build, please refer to our issue tracker. You can download Rider 2023.2.2 and ReSharper 2023.2.2 from our website or update either product via the Toolbox App. You can also update Rider as a snap for Ubuntu. We would appreciate your feedback on the latest versions! Please don’t hesitate to share your thoughts in the comments below or on Twitter (ReSharper, Rider).