General News

PhpStorm 2019.1 released: Debug Twig and Blade, Locate Dead Code, Enjoy Improved Autocompletion, New Refactorings & Quick-Fixes, and more

PhpStorm 2019.1 is now available for you!

This major release brings with it support for debugging Twig and Blade templates, locating dead code, new and improved refactorings, intentions, and quick-fixes, enhanced performance and stability, and much more!

Explore the top new features and download PhpStorm 2019.1 on our website.

Below we have put together just some of the most interesting features.


Other Improvements

  • Reuse Docker containers with docker-compose exec support.
  • Cleaned up default PHP file template – no more “Created by PhpStorm”.
  • Support for control-click on @inheritdoc to go to inherited docblock.
  • New intention to add existing class field to a constructor.
  • Set breakpoints on enter and exit of an internal PHP function (call breakpoint).
  • Possibility to analyze files strictly even w/o declare(strict_types = 1).

Version Control


Web Technologies

  • Updated docs for CSS & HTML and browser compatibility info from MDN.
  • Improved TypeScript support in Vue apps.
  • New inspections for Angular apps.
  • New JavaScript and Node.js debugger console.

Database Tools

  • Support for new databases: Greenplum, Vertica, and Apache Hive.
  • Code completion supports combined statements for CREATE and DROP.
  • Support for DEFINER attributes in MySQL and MariaDB.
  • Support for the Oracle mode in MariaDB.
  • You can now set the default folder for a project.

If you are after the full list of all the changes then check out the really long release notes.

Download PhpStorm 2019.1

Please share your feedback in the comments, report bugs and suggestions on our issue tracker, or just connect with us on Twitter!

JetBrains PhpStorm Team
The Drive to Develop

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