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ReSharper Ultimate 2018.1.1 bug fix update is here!

Hello from JetBrains! We have something interesting for you today. A few moments ago, we published the first bug fix update for our first release of the year – ReSharper Ultimate 2018.1.1.

Below, you can find a list of the notable changes:

  • ReSharper’s shell loading has been optimized to decrease Visual Studio’s startup time. Now it is faster, and we have mostly got rid of the Visual Studio yellow notification about the slowness of starting up ReSharper. There is still a yellow box about total unresponsiveness, but it is going to take another step to fix, which we are working on right now.
  • Lots of fixes and optimizations around XAML in WPF and Xamarin.Forms projects which were broken after installing Visual Studio 15.7.
  • Rename refactoring for a private field in a C# file does not look through Razor files anymore. In this update, renaming a private member doesn’t take longer than it should.
  • ReSharper now correctly defines the latest C# language version after installing the Visual Studio 15.7 update. No more “C# 7.1 language feature” false positive errors.
  • Several fixes in ASP.NET MVC support. Moreover, this build is shipped with the updated External Annotations package to support the latest MVC NuGet package (version 5.2.6), it gets back the navigation from a Controller to a View.
  • A fix for the “Cannot apply indexing to an expression false error message in VSTO Excel application.

Apart from that, there are a bunch of fixes for Code formatting engine, Unit Test runner, Refactorings, and Navigation/Find Usages. To see the full list of fixes, please refer to the YouTrack page.

Also, we’ve implemented a few small features:

  • JetBrains Annotations finally support .NET Standard projects.
  • The tab size is now taken into account on applying line wrapping.
  • Find Usages now supports deconstructs.

ReSharper C++ 2018.1.1 has a lot of fixes as well: support for Boost.Test from Boost 1.67, fixed regressions with missing results in Find Usages, and incorrectly deduced return types in lambdas and functions with an auto return type. More fixes are here.

dotCover 2018.1.1 now correctly updates Hot Spots view in Unit Test Coverage tool window after changes in solution assemblies, and fixes the issue in updating of a coverage snapshot which could have led to an inconsistency in the coverage data and errors in the graphical coverage presentation.

Download ReSharper Ultimate 2018.1.1 or use ReSharper | Help | Check for update.

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