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Refactor Now or Never – Webinar Recording

The recording of our October 31 webinar with Dino Esposito is now available.

The same popular metaphor of unit-testing – write the test, break it, fix it – can be applied at a higher level of abstraction to improve the average quality of your codebase just as you code.

Webinar agenda:

Tip: want to learn more about code smells and refactoring code? Check out the code smells series – sharpen your sense of code smell on our blog!

Got the point of the code you’re going to write? Then write it to see if it fits, ensure it works as it should, fix it and then check-in. Let’s face it! You’d better put any reasonably possible effort in writing code right the first time as you’ll never have realistically the time to clean it later. Write your code as if your peers are violent psychopatics that know where you live. Or, more quietly, write your code as a message to the posterity.
However, nobody writes code right the first time and any code one second after having been written is legacy code. Aim then at having the classiest legacy code ever. There are a number of wrinkles you can iron out in the code and all of them have a fancy name: primitive obsession, oddball solution, large classes, long methods, data clumps just to name a few. Each of them comes with a handful of suggested refactorings that are for the most part battle-tested. No effort and no creativity: it’s simple a matter of will and attitude. This webinar presents a number of code smells with different levels of popularity that once fixed make your code walk closely with the complexity of the business domain it is written for. Any codebase a domain specific codebase, lean, mean and clean.

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