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ReSharper Ultimate 2019.2 Starts its Early Access Program

Today we are launching the Early Access Program for ReSharper Ultimate 2019.2.

ReSharper Ultimate 2019.2 EAP

Let me highlight briefly the key changes and improvements you can already try out in this first build of the ReSharper 2019.2 EAP:

  • There is initial support for the “Per-Monitor DPI Awareness” mode in Visual Studio 2019. If you disabled Optimize rendering for screens with different pixel densities via Tools | Options | Environment | General because of the rendering issue we had with the ReSharper tool windows, please enable it again and check out how it now looks.
  • We’ve updated the Performance Guide page. It has a new Windows Defender section and descriptions for all performance tips, which describe what exactly will be done after a suggestion is applied.
  • You can search in a file right through the Go to File member dialog.

Find in Files in Go to File Member

  • A new filter in the Go To Text results window to filter out comment lines.
  • The Advanced symbols options dialog under ReSharper | Options | Tools | External Sources now supports relative paths.
  • The debugger data tips respect the Enable property evaluation and other implicit function calls setting, and can evaluate property values on demand.
  • A new tooltip with the description of a keyword is available in the IL Viewer.

The full list of fixes that made it into this first EAP is on our YouTrack.

At the same time, ReSharper C++ 2019.2 EAP comes with a lot of new features and improvements:

  • Improved hints in the code editor. ReSharper C++ adds two new types of hints: hints after preprocessor directives and hints for function arguments passed by a non-const reference. Hints in aggregate initialization expressions now show the names of initialized base classes.

Hints in C++

  • New inspections and quick-fixes:
    • Several new inspections are available: “Unmatched preprocessor directive”, “Explicitly defaulted special member function is implicitly deleted”, and “Redundant final function specifier in a final class”.
    • “Use static_cast fix” for the “C-style cast used” inspection can be run in bulk and as a part of Code Cleanup.
  • Several updates in Navigation:
    • Go to declaration can navigate to the default constructor called when an object is default-initialized in variable declarations and new expressions.
    • Find usages finds usages of default constructors in default initialization.
    • Go to symbol now hides symbols with qualified names (e.g. out-of-class function definitions). When an item is selected, Go to symbol jumps to its definition, similar to how Go to declaration does.
  • More C++ 20 features are supported: conditional explicit, char8_t, pack expansion in lambda init-capture, default constructible and assignable stateless lambdas, C++20 rules for aggregates, consteval and constinit specifiers, C++20 improvements to structured binding declarations.
  • Code completion: The summary tooltip in the code completion popup is now colored and shows documentation for the selected item.

Summary tooltip in the code completion

  • Improvements to typing assist in multi-line comments: multi-line comments that use single-line syntax are automatically extended; extending multi-line comments now inserts correct indentation when virtual space is enabled.
  • Unreal Engine 4 support: The “Rename” and “Change Signature” refactorings handle RPC functions properly.

In addition to new features and improvements, ReSharper C++ has more than 70 bugs fixed in this first EAP build.

dotPeek 2019.2 EAP brings an unmanaged (win32) resources subtree in the Assembly Explorer and a couple of updates for the metadata tree: a description for unmanaged resources directories and entries (type, language) and a description for section’s headers.

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