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.NET Tools Releases Rider

ReSharper 2020.2.3 and Rider 2020.2.3 Are Available!

Dear everyone,

Today is bug-fix day! We’ve addressed several issues in both ReSharper and Rider and published the ReSharper 2020.2.3 and Rider 2020.2.3 builds.

ReSharper 2020.2.3 
  • ReSharper no longer freezes Visual Studio when the Favorite Documents extension is installed (RSRP-481224).
  • Now you have more precise control over which Visual Studio actions can be overridden by ReSharper on the ReSharper | Options | Environment | Keyboard | Visual Studio Commands page.
Rider 2020.2.3 
  • Breakpoint icons no longer disappear from the code editor (RIDER-48535).
  • There are a few fixes in F# support related to Import missing references and the presentation of F# Unions in the debugger (RIDER-50807, RIDER-50693, RIDER-49900).
  • We’ve fixed the authentication issue when invoking remote operations in GitHub (IDEA-248658).

You can download Rider 2020.2.3 and ReSharper Ultimate 2020.2.3 from our website or update either of them by using the Toolbox App. You can also update Rider as a snap.

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