.NET Tools
Essential productivity kit for .NET and game developers
ReSharper 2023.2 EAP 10 Is Here!
The latest preview build for the Early Access Program for ReSharper 2023.2 has just been published and is ready to be downloaded from our website.
With the next major release just around the corner, our efforts this time have largely been dedicated to making some minor, last-minute tweaks and doing under-the-hood work. However, there’s one important change you need to be aware of.

AI Assistant update
After some thoughtful consideration of the feedback we received from the developer community, we’ve made the decision to unbundle the AI Assistant functionality from ReSharper.
Until now, the AI-powered functionality in ReSharper has been offered on an “opt-in” basis, meaning users had to log into JetBrains AI Services to enable any data sharing with a third-party LLM provider. We recognize that such an approach may not provide enough reassurance or meet the requirements of data security policies for some of our users, particularly those working in corporate environments. To address such concerns head-on, from now on ReSharper has no AI Assistant code in its default installation file, and the AI functionality has to be installed manually.
Starting with the ReSharper 2023.2 EAP 10 release, AI Assistant will be a separate product you can choose to install from the dotUltimate installer. If you’re using the Toolbox App for your updates, go to the three dot menu button next to ReSharper Tools and select Setup wizard to access the dotUltimate installer.
For the full list of changes included with this build, please refer to our issue tracker.
We encourage you to try out the new features and share your feedback with us. You can do it by leaving your comments in the blog post’s comment section, by reaching out to us on Twitter, or by submitting bug reports and feature requests to our issue tracker.