Collaborative data science platform for teams
We are thrilled to introduce a major update to the Reporting workflows and make Datalore more affordable for small teams. Read on to learn what’s new in the 2022.3!
How data teams use Datalore? In this article, we’d like to share two recently published stories from Datalore customers, Chainalysis and The Center for New Data.
The Report builder is a flexible new way to turn your notebooks into beautiful data reports. In this blogpost we’ll give a short introduction to the new features and will share more details in upcoming newsletters!
Learn how to connect your Jupyter Notebook to Google BigQuery in Datalore and try SSH tunneling to connect to remote databases!
Data science projects can be complex, consisting of many parts, such as notebooks, data, environments, and scripts, and it can be challenging for data science teams to effectively collaborate on them.
Schedule Jupyter notebooks with just a few clicks. Specify run intervals from the interface or use the cron string to configure a schedule.
Today we are happy to introduce the docker-based installation for Datalore Enterprise and a bunch of other ways to streamline your data science team work. Read on for the highlights of the release!
In this blog post we’ll share a few updates to database support and SQL cells, announce the first Datalore webinar, and tell you how Datalore has become even more collaborative.
In the past few months, we’ve been working hard on improving the data exploration and collaboration workflows in Datalore. In this blog post, we’ll give you an overview of what’s new!
What are the most common ways to query SQL databases from a Python notebook? They might include using Python SQL libraries such as PySQL or SQLAlchemy... We can now suggest a more effective method: combine native SQL cells and Python code in Datalore notebooks.
It’s already 2022, and we are here with the first newsletter of the year! Read on to learn what the Datalore team has been up to recently.
The focus of this release was to make it easy for data scientists to share their work and to facilitate fetching data from databases with SQL. Read on for the highlights of this release!