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Rider 2017.2.1 is available

We’ve just released a bugfix update for the JetBrains .NET IDE – please welcome Rider 2017.2.1.

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The update fixes the Razor View issue we had on Macs (RIDER-10404) and the Go To Declaration issue after applying a refactoring (RIDER-7429). There is now improved JavaScript debugging (RIDER-10382) and debugging in general (RIDER-9501, RIDER-5271).

The update also introduces some handy new features for F# developers:

  • Show overloads and XML documentation for a selected completion item;
  • File Structure tool window + previous/next file member navigation.

There are a lot more fixes/improvements in the bugfix update than we have mentioned here, so check out this list on YouTrack if you are interested in seeing them all.

Grab your copy of this release!

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