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Rider 2018.2 Release Candidate

If you can’t wait to get your hands on Rider 2018.2, great news: please welcome the Rider 2018.2 Release Candidate!

A lot of you have been contributing to our EAP and so are fully aware of the changes coming in the 2018.2 release. This is a good time to say ‘Thank you!’ to all you EAPers for sharing your feedback on the latest features and improvements we’ve introduced. It’s been extremely valuable!

Let me quickly highlight the most notable changes to look forward to in 2018.2:

  • Debugger: more understandable call stacks, thread-specific breakpoints, and you can now inspect and expand unsafe pointers.
  • Docker support is now available in the debugger as well.
  • Publish support for ASP.NET Core Web projects.
  • Code completion uses ReSharper’s statistics-based scoring algorithm and works in scratch files, debugger watches, and C# Interactive.
  • Solution Explorer redesign: new toolbar, Scratches and File System views, and a new mode called Folders always on top.
  • Templates editor right in Rider’s settings.
  • A couple of handy features in C# Interactive.
  • dotCover support on Windows: Unit test coverage and continuous testing.
  • More outstanding Unity support: support for .asmdef and csc.rsp files, Unity players in the Attach to Unity Process list, Packages and Scratches nodes in Unity Explorer, and much more!
  • F# support: support for File Templates and F# 4.5 features.
  • Lots of features ‘inherited’ from ReSharper, IntelliJ IDEA, and WebStorm: integrated spell checking, C# 7.3, MacBook Touch Bar support, TypeScript 2.9/3.0 support, and more!

Please download the Release Candidate and share your feedback (or raise your concerns in case something goes wrong as you try it).

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