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ReSharper Ultimate 2018.3 is released!

I’m here today to present to you this year’s last major release of ReSharper Ultimate. Don’t feel like reading? Then come and grab ReSharper Ultimate 2018.3!

ReSharper Ultimate 2018.3 released

Let me show you what the ReSharper team has accomplished in this release:

  • We’ve added parameter name hints right to the code editor. This helps make C# and VB.NET code more readable.
  • Early support for Visual Studio 2019 Preview 1.
  • The code formatter can now detect the code formatting style right from your code and adjust the formatter settings accordingly (ReSharper | Edit | Detect formatting settings). No more looking through ReSharper formatter settings and configuring them manually.
  • ReSharper can autodetect the naming style you use in your code. No manual configuring of naming styles anymore to match the naming convention you use.
  • Improved C# 7 deconstruction support includes new/updated inspections and quick-fixes.
  • VB.NET 15.3 and 15.5 language support.
  • TypeScript 3.0 support.
  • Initial support is available for the new localization procedure in the latest ASP.NET Core projects. Most of the localization inspections, refactorings, and quick-fixes that you are familiar with from the old localization procedure are available.
  • Lots of new inspections, quick-fixes, and context actions have been added to C# code analysis for different cases.
  • A few performance optimizations have been made.
  • We’ve implemented the Introduce parameter refactoring for local functions.
  • A couple of new keys to run ReSharper Command Line Tools.
  • We’ve made ReSharper more FIPS-compliant by stopping the use of the md5 hash algorithm and eliminating all its previous uses in the codebase.
  • The Go To Action popup allows looking for Options pages.

You are welcome to check the What’s new in ReSharper page to learn more about the features and improvements in ReSharper 2018.3. See also the full list of requests we’ve addressed this release cycle.

As usual, all other ReSharper Ultimate tools get an update in this release as well:

  • ReSharper C++ 2018.3 – every bit better! Cleverer refactorings, new context actions, an even smarter Go to Declaration and Search Everywhere, auto-detection of code formatting settings and C++ naming schemes, and better error diagnostics on templated code. Besides all this, the release has improved C++/CLI support. If you are working with the Unreal Engine, you can find enhanced performance and parsing improvements made to the reflection macros.
  • dotCover 2018.3: In addition to multiple bug fixes, we’ve reworked the way coverage filters are organized. Now, there are two groups of filters in the dotCover options: runtime filters (those applied during a coverage session) and results filters (those applied to coverage results). The latter is extended with a filename filter. Use it to exclude unnecessary files from the results (such as auto-generated ones) and reduce “noise” in the coverage tree.
  • The biggest thing about dotTrace 2018.3 is the integration into JetBrains Rider. You can configure and run profiling sessions, get snapshots, and analyze them in the built-in viewer. Note that currently, the viewer cannot show a distribution of events on a timeline. That’s why timeline snapshots are opened as simple sampling snapshots.
  • dotMemory 2018.3 gets a new condition for taking a snapshot on the profiling controller: Get a snapshot if total memory usage exceeds X MB. You can also click on a timeline graph to get the exact memory data at a specific time point.
  • dotPeek 2018.3 supports decompiling more C# 7.x features and makes it possible to copy the fully qualified name (FQN) of a symbol to the clipboard.

Download ReSharper Ultimate

We’d love to hear your feedback on the ReSharper Ultimate 2018.3 release.

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